Paddling pools with artificial grass: A guide for home owners

In the UK, we are soon going to see warmer weather and longer days. And with that, we will be spending more time outdoors. A lot of households set up paddling pools for kids and pets. You may be concerned about using one with artificial grass if you have it or are looking at getting some installed. Artificial can be beneficial surrounding a pool, but you'll also need to consider a few things.


The warmer months can still be enjoyed when you have artificial grass. More than enjoyed, artificial can make outdoor play so much easier and less stressful for parents. This also applies to blow-up hot tubs, and ice baths that may be placed on artificial grass.


Potential risks


As with anything, there are things to look out for, so we are going to cover them first. Most people's biggest concern is the weight and whether it will damage the grass fibres. Obviously, like on normal grass, the weight of the pool will flatten the grass, but this can be fixed with a power brush or stiff yard brush. In addition, if the pool has a lot of water, it could cause the base to dip ever so slightly due to further compaction of the stone.


You will also need to be careful when emptying the paddling pool. This is due to the stone and sand base being disrupted by the huge flow of water. Your best bet is to use a submersible pump and get the water away from the grass. Alternatively, a slow empty will onto the grass will work too. The issue comes when a huge flow of water goes through the base.


Caring for the artificial grass


As we mentioned above, there can be some potential risks when installing a paddling pool on your artificial grass. However, we have some ideas that will help lower the risk and keep your artificial grass looking beautiful.


Firstly, ensure to remove any debris from the grass before putting up the pool. This stops the pool from getting pierced and the debris from damaging the grass or starting to bed, leaving room for weeds to grow once the pool has gone. Ensure that once the pool has gone you also brush up the area to get the pile looking good once again.


Secondly, adding some wooden boards under the paddling pool will help to disperse the weight of the pool more evenly, thus giving less chance of damaging the artificial grass. Along with this, if you are to be using chemicals in your pool, after it is gone ensure to give the area a proper clean with some grass cleaner or wet and forget to ensure the chemicals have no lasting damage on the grass. 


Lastly, when the warmer temps leave and it's time for the pool to go away, take care of emptying it. As mentioned above, you don’t want all of the water going through the base works in one go as this will cause damage. The best way is to use a pump and dispose of the water away from the artificial. This isn't possible for everyone, so you may need to let the water out slowly. Your base will take water, it's designed to do so. It may not hold up to a full pool's worth of water at once.


Safety for your children - A top priority


Safety and the wellbeing of your children is always a top priority. As parents, we want to keep our children out of harm's way. With proper care and equipment, a paddling pool can be an amazing way for your children to play in the summer, while also staying cool. Never leave them unattended.


Have a summer full of joy and laughter, and at the end still have a stunning garden that can be used for many summers (and all seasons). Enjoy your artificial grass and paddling pool this summer. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact us today and we will get back to you.