How to Replace an old Install yourself
Replacing an old artificial grass installation can go one of two ways. There is an easy way (I hope this is the one you get) or the hard way. If you get the hard way, it will pretty much be the same cost as the initial install. In some cases it may even cost a little more.
Way 1 - The easy way
A simple case of taking up your old artificial grass, maybe replacing the membrane if needed and then relaying (and rejoining if needed) your new artificial grass. If this is the case, follow the last few steps on our installation blog. The only difference is taking up the old grass.
As you can see, there's not much to write about for this ways, as its pretty straight forward. If there is any area of your lawn that has dipped, you can fill this up with grit sand to level it out before the new grass goes on.
This is the way you'd want it to go, but below I'll talk about the more expensive way (the we hope you don’t need to do). That wasn't too difficult was it. If you do this, send us a Instagram message of how it went.
Way 2 - The hard way
The second way requires a lot more work and investment. Often times you will only need to top up your base and replace the membrane if it was done correctly in the first place. However, in some rare cases, a full re do is needed, so take up the grass and remove all the MOT and sand.
Taking the stone up can be very tough, especially if it has been down for some time as the stone will go very solid. Almost like concrete, it'll require some serious man hours and hard work to get it removed. We recommend to loosen the stone up with a pick or your shovel first, once that is done you can proceed to barrow out all of the stone ready to start over again for your new lawn.
Once the stone is removed you also will want to take out all the edging. Unless you used a composite for the first install, in which case you may be okay unless the levels or shape are changing. With that being said, you'll also want to check your levels and ensure that the hole is deep enough for crafting your new base works.
Now that all this is done and ready, like last time you are ready to start creating the base and installing the artificial grass. This post isn't an installation guide, however, we do have one. Here is our guide on installing artificial grass. We also have an artificial grass cost calculator that may help work out a rough costing based on your area.