How to look after your artificial grass
Cleaning your artificial grass, and keeping it in good nick is the best way to prolong its lifespan. We say that an install should last at least 10 years. However, without looking after your artificial lawn, it may need replacing after a couple. Which is not what you want after you spent a lot of time and money to install it.
In this blog, we are going to look at how to clean and maintain your artificial grass to give it the longest life span possible. Follow along with our advice and your garden will stay looking beautiful for many years to come.
Before you read this, if you haven't installed your artificial grass, the shorter shaped fibres tend to take less maintenance due to them being stronger. Such as our Play25.
How to maintain and clean your artificial grass.
We have two ways (that go together) to keep your grass looking great. You have regular maintenance that you can do yourself. Additionally, you have the yearly maintenance that we also recommend getting done well… once (or twice) a year. So let's have a look at each below.
Regular maintenance
What is regular maintenance, will I have to vacuum my grass every day and pick up every bit of debris that lands on my garden? No absolutely not. Artificial grass is fairly low maintenance. There is still some things you need to do.
First of all, in the summer moths where you are using the grass regularly, giving it a brush with a stiff yard brush will help plump up the pile.
If you have dog waste on it, you can clean the areas with soap and water. If you need something a bit stronger try our artificial grass cleaner. Grab some of the offcut of grass to test any chemicals to ensure it won't damage your grass.
See any weeds sprouting or anything starting to grow in the grass? As soon as you notice any moss growth weeds or algae, make sure to get rid of it asap. Especially with the moss and algae, if it embeds itself deep into the pile and base works, it's pretty much impossible to get out.
As for weeds pull them out from the root, unless your garden has a lot of overhanging trees. Weeds will only tend to grow out from the edge of the lawn
Through the autumn season, a lot of things may drop on your artificial grass. Do your best to remove these as they can promote moss algae and weed growth in your lawn.
Yearly maintenance
This type of maintenance isn't for you to do. Rach out to a local artificial grass company, or the company that installed yours, and get a quote for a maintenance service. Most if not all artificial grass companies will offer this sort of service.
The service usually involves a thorough cleaning any repairs that are needed, and finally a power brushing. The power brush is what will make your grass stand up like new, and the cleaning will well, clean the grass and make your artificial garden look as good as the day it was installed.
This service also tends to be relatively inexpensive too. Usually no more than a couple hundred pounds. Its as small investment that looks after your big investment of artificial grass.
To conclude, maintenance is a necessary part of having artificial grass. Make sure you are on top of it, but don't worry, it takes a lot less than a natural lawn to look after. Looking after your investments is always a smart idea.